The First and the Last Awakening – Part 3


SKU: BI-932 Category:


Bound by time, man’s earthly journey is a long-haul flight of strategic spiritual practices that need guidance from the supreme powerhouse of Ultimate Wisdom! The First and the Last Awakening by Ms Seema M. Dewan is a series of three books that deal with the most profound and pertinent questions of life and spirituality, seeking the everlasting, first and last awakening. This series contains the author’s intuitive wisdom on the everyday affairs of human sojourn, helping every seeker find the right path to the True Self, the Inner Sai!

The author, Ms Seema M. Dewan, has brought out several books to share her soul guidance inspiring devotees to realise their inner being.

Soft cover : 79 pages

Price: $ 4.00     Shipping/Handling: $9.00

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